The Prodigy –More Music for the Jilted Generation超凡樂團 – 獻給被遺棄世代的音樂(珍稀混音重發盤) ▲英倫舞曲先鋒融合搖滾元素超完美經典;全英專輯榜冠軍作品 |
映象2009限量桌曆圖 |
水星音樂獎入圍專輯,AMG★★★★★五顆星滿分崇拜推薦 ▲原曲13 + 9首珍稀B-Sides單曲與混音 十年前英倫舞曲先鋒The Prodigy,以一首〈Smack My Bitch Up〉為樂隊的音樂版圖和樂迷的聽覺領域劃下了嶄新里程碑,電氣和搖滾完美結盟激發的耀眼火光,不僅再度風靡全球舞池,連中堅搖滾客們也為傾倒,放眼望去,恐怕唯有The Chemical Brothers能與其相提並論!時至今日,後者淪落到得靠大串搖滾明星助陣的維持聲勢,而The Prodigy憑著持續進化的音樂層級,加上具備怪物級煽動性的現場演出,讓他們全球銳舞天王的地位近三十年來從未動搖!繼開創全球舞曲文化的革命性經典《Experience》後,The Prodigy於1994年推出的第二張專輯《Music for the Jilted Generation》? ??一舉攻上英國榜冠軍,並入圍指標性的水星音樂獎最佳專輯,再度證明了The Prodigy評價和市場通吃的傲人能耐。除了和前作同樣引人入勝的重拍媚惑外,《Music for the Jilted Generation》將Drum’n’Bass、Ambient、Downtempo等成分更鮮明地烘托出來,而潛伏The Prodigy基因裡的搖滾元素,也在〈Voodoo People〉和〈Their Law〉等火熱曲目裡正式發酵,剽悍金屬吉他和緊湊碎拍並行,穿梭在The Prodigy略帶歇斯底里的瘋狂音樂國度,似乎預告著《The Fat of the Land》的誕生以及Big Beat叱吒風雲時代的降臨。如果你還不認識The Prodigy這組合九O年代和The Chemical Brothers、Fatboy Slim分庭抗禮的Big Beat宗師,那麼就請先暫且拋開那些歌誦他們如何開創流行文化新紀元的經典之說,把這次追加了九首混音和珍稀作品的《More Music for the Jilted Generation》放進音響,親身感受連運動神經長期失調? ??宅男,也無法ㄍ一ㄥ住坐著聽完的完美跳舞勁碟! |
曲目 CD 1 1. "Intro" (Remastered) 2. "Break & Enter" (Remastered)[試聽] 3. "Their Law" (Remastered) 4. "Full Throttle" (Remastered) 5. "Voodoo People" (Remastered)[試聽] 6. "Speedway (Theme From Fastlane)" (Remastered)[試聽] 7. "The Heat (The Energy)" (Remastered) 8. "Poison" (Remastered)[試聽] 9. "No Good (Start The Dance)" (Remastered)[試聽] 10. "One Love (Edit)" (Remastered)[試聽] 11. "3 Kilos" (Remastered) 12. "Skylined" (Remastere d)[試聽] 13. "Claustrophobic Sting" (Remastered)[試聽] CD 2 1. "Voodoo People (Radio 1 Maida Vale Session)"[試聽] 2. "Poison (Radio 1 Maida Vale Session)"[試聽] 3. "Break & Enter (2005 Live Edit)" 4. "Their Law (Live At Pukkelpop)"[試聽] 5. "No Good (Start The Dance) (Bad For You Mix)" (Remastered) 6. "Scienide" (Remastered)[試聽] 7. "Goa (The Heat The Energy, Part 2)" (Remastered)[試聽] 8. "Rat Poison (Remastered)"[試聽] 9. "Voodoo People (Du st Brothers Remix)" (Remastered)[試聽] |